Monday 22 February 2010

Jaipur Coffee Shop and other bits

Not many proper Coffee Shops in the Starbucks/Cafe Nero/Costa league..  In fact……………none.    Pauline is missing this important facet of UK life, so when the man on the street says …i take you good coffee shop…..Pauline became very excited and keen to follow……..…sad really………we should have known……….first we have to visit the brothers linen shop, much rupees later, including Sue getting a free bag because she spent so much, we are encouraged to continue to the coffee shop……..via another linen shop then to the coffee shop, which is a jewellery shop with two seats, and a promise of coffee to come…..we move on.

Returned to Hotel via rickshaw, some pictures in in an earlier post …   ..……… get ready for the bus trip back so now sitting out on the grass drinking tea and eating………….

…………..Julie has just announced that she is going to pop over to the shop one last time…..saying…….I havent bought much, just what I need, ……… as she rummaged in her bag for her purse………

1 comment:

  1. I think Stewart should be cannonised! Saint Stewart, protector of the 'ladies who shop!'
    By sue
