Thursday 18 February 2010

Calling Earth

Thursday - On Tues night, did another marathon hike into the centre of Delhi on the quest for our evening meal. EVENTUALLY found the elusive and allegedly re-located exotic establishment which, in English, translated into Pizza Hut.... At least the prices were a quarter of those in the UK.
Thursday morning, after more painting,we had a time of fellowship and prayed with some of the people of Tigri. Quite humbling. Various issues of concern. Alcohol causing problems and family disruption here just as in the West. Lorrie and I went for a guided walkabout in some of the lanes, calling on various people, mostly mum's with babies. Plenty to make one think and evaluate the importance or non-importance of the trappings of our material world. Sounds like a song coming on - I'll chat to my fellow pentagarian, Madonna.
Lorrie is chuffed as she finally found evidene of Health and Safety in India! A label on an Indian-made toy that claims NO SHARD EDGES. Might be safe enough even for me to play with.
Stu, Dick and I are suffering Red Alert withdrawal symptoms, but we shall only have to endure cold turkey for another one week, two days, 7 hours and 53 minutes - not that I'm counting!!
Lerv to all in Yeovil and Bristol, etc.
Rog xx


  1. haha! tough withdrawal -Dave & Rog P are stil playing..... hehehe! You're gonna have to stop your nightly wandering Mr A! Meeting ladies as they leave the shower is (ask Lorraine how to phrase this!)"how rude!" Hmm reception versus modesty???? which will win? See you guys in 7 days _ hours......! Have fun blessings Coralie

  2. 'Allo 'Allo, Nighthawk here. Good to hear you're causing as much chaos in Delhi as you do at home! Have been following the blog, everybody seems to be having a wonderful experience. We're missing you at rehearsal - we have to do our own washing up! Enjoy the rest of your stay, safe journey back. See you soon, Mme Edith xx
