Sunday 28 February 2010

Home again

We're back in rainy England but it's good to see our cats who seem to have missed us as they're both sat on me!! The whole 2 weeks in India was an amazing experience with so many different diversities that we saw and were a part of. We will definitely be going back and already have plans afoot!! To see a tiger so close in it's own environment was one of my dreams come true - hence a speechless, weepy Pauline!! The people we met were lovely throughout the 2 weeks and I have come away with a high regard for their sense of community and living together. We experienced city life, slum life and rural life and feel very privileged to have been able to do so. Thank you to Dick and Julie, our intrepid team leaders, for showing us the India that you love. You did a brilliant job in leading us around and organising the trip. Pauline xx


  1. whooppee you home- I've missed you guys! So pleased you've had an amazing time & for blogging helping us to feel connected to what you were doing/experiencing. So looking forward to sitting down with you, your photo's & a cup of tea to hear it from the (horses- no coffee parots no crocky's ?!?!) lips! hahaha love Coralie xx
