Friday 26 February 2010

Everyone beginning to regroup.

Having learned the lesson of remembering to keep your fluids up or end up feeling weird, nauseatic and detached, I now find myself feeling more human after a cup of tea, two mango-flavoured biscuits and 1 1/2 hours sleep. The price I paid was having to send my apologies with Dick, Sue and Nigel as we had been invited to attend a function hosted by the New Zealand High Commission, this evening. They will be able to explain more later, but it appears that part of the proceeds of the evening will go to a charity and they have selected asha. Four of the students from Asha have also been invited. No doubt I shall understand more when they return back...whenever that may be!

The Tiger lot have now joined us, but as I was doing my weird thing, I haven't heard any details of their trip except what I have read on here! Breakfast will be animated! Nigel and Sue managed a coffee with Frances and Ian at the Cottage Emporium this afternoon (they have returned from Jodpur and are staying at the YMCA for the last night. We'll meet them at the airport tomorrow.)whilst Dick and I searched for a suitable bedspread to convert into a front door curtain. We got exactly what I had in mind so now all Dick needs to do is create a rail, I shall do the sewing which should be minimal. Before Nigel makes the comment that he had to wait for us to finish....I hasten to add that all remaining purchases were gifts and NOT for me... (A little defensive is she not?)

We shall be picking Louis up on the way to the airport, he seems to be staying in a superb flat with some other longterm volunteers teaching English in Seelampur. It will be good to hear how his week has gone.
Yesterday I managed to meet up with Reena and her children at the Asha Polyclinic as we were unable to visit her in her home due to the prevoius episode. I think it actually worked out better as we had at least an hour together, exchanging gifts, praying together and generally attempting communication although hugs and smiles spoke volumes. We had bought a number of items for the family which included two pairs of shorts for Ashish (almost 3yrs)(which came down to his ankles, but still looked fine as trousers!) and a London double decker bus, which went down well!

For Sakshi (18 months)I made a dress, which I think she would trip over at the moment! She'll grow into it! We also bought her a small soft teddy which was an instant hit! I had forgotten how small the Indian children are, they both looked a year younger size-wise. It was lovely to see them playing with their toys whilst Reena and I talked and Sue and I took photos.

So here I sit, sipping tomato soup...with a definite "bite" to it, feeling a little better although it took me ages to get into the packet which was foil wrapped and sealed...In the end I remembered a sharp piece of metal I had snagged my dress on earlier....sliced open and job done! Remember to ask me about a similar tale re trying to open other Family Planning items from packets....with razor blades....

So much to say, but I don't want to hog all the news! Only one more thing though (!) the children at Tigri have all written back to the children at Birchfield. We are so pleased with their efforts, all written in English...impressive eh? I think the school will be delighted. They even reciprocated by doing two formal group photos!

So home tomorrow, very late...seems strange to be leaving, but it has definitely been a worthwhile trip!


  1. ahh babe- poorliness not nice! Never mind, glad you had your time with Reena & children & look forward to the photo's! It will be lovely to see you all & have a proper real chat not on cyberspace in a few days! I'm going out for a walk now with Dave (!!!) wonders will never cease- I suggested it! (WHY??) love & blessings Coralie xx

  2. Julie.......defensive? Surely not. Old Delhi was a shoppers paradise, and we have to say that we did not actually see any items purchased by Mrs Hogben, it all happened when we went to Cottage Emporium and left Dick and Julie together, whilst we spent our few rupees!!
