Wednesday 17 February 2010

Harry the monkeys blog

Stuart; woke up to a bit of surprise this morning as I didn't expect to find a bloomin' great ape in bed with us. Yes it was Harry, unless of course Pauline has developed a very hairy chest ! All became clear when Pauline explained he was there to provide insulation from the morning chill and noise .... mmmm but Harry is spending the next night with Angelique.

Well that's one pest expelled from the room, there is of course the Roger Allen who keeps popping up again and again. Pauline met him unexpectedly on her way to the shower, just opened the bedroom door and there he was. He seems to be mostly harmelss so we let him roost on balcony and put him back outside the main door when we go to bed, a bit like putting the cat out for the night. I think it was Nigel that suggested we have a Roger flap fitted to the front door so he could come and go easily. But then we'd have to put a bell on him too so we could hear him coming in.

Harry stayed in the building today and didn't disrupt todays field trip into the slum, but kept the kids amused who visited. I'm sure he was recognised as we were driving into the slums today though, for sure he was being waved to.

I'm sad to report that crocky wock has become even more of a handful. During the story of Queen Daisy's hairslide, he was pausing from his part in the epic tale of "the mind map and Harry the monkey" (featuring Louis - the large tree), in order to eat the odd small child as a snack ! Then he was caught on camera in the return bus sneaking up on the regal Queen Daisy, to the backdrop of the "Jaws" theme sound effects from the Roger Allen, was Daisy eaten ? ... tune in the next blog to find out.

The magic tricks with the ASHA staff are going well, I do one trick and the all dissapear !!
No only joking, they are a wonderful audience and I'm enjoying their time and attention.
Painted a giraffe today with Dick and Nigel, some say using brushes might have been better, but hey they were handy.


  1. haha! Harry's bed-hopping? not sure I approve!As for painting with the boys- I did wonder about a certain photo that looked like Daisy was removing something from Dick's hair.... Heather & I have been exploring reasons on fb... much to our own amusement! Love & blessings Coralie

  2. Crocky Wocks gone international?! Now I am scared! - Dan
